
What is Low-Code No-Code?

Is LCNC the future of app development?

Low-code No-code(LCNC) is a technological innovation that’s taking the business industry by storm. It’s a more visually oriented form of development that helps to streamline the developmental process of applications by automating many of the processes without the requirement of programming tools or technical knowledge. While very similar Low-Code and No-Code platforms are not the same, today we will take a look at the differences between the two as well as investigating its future potential in software development.


A low-code development platform provides a development environment which can be used for the creation of application software through a GUI or graphical user interface. This gives users agency to build applications from premade elements with the ability to integrate their own code into them. Low-code platforms are not suitable for complete beginners but are useful for people working in the business sector who are technically minded. The platform takes a visual approach to application development, with tools such as drag-and-drop. This reduces the coding knowledge required to begin creating applications as most of the process is automated. 


No-code platforms are aimed at citizen developers with little-to-no knowledge of any programming languages. Similar to low-code, the applications are created purely visually, you take the part you want and put it where you want it, it really is that simple. No-code platforms essentially remove the need for software developers in smaller companies using simple applications as the entire application development life cycle is supported, from ideation through implementation to maintenance. 

The Future

In a world where staying ahead of the competition and constantly providing customers with new experiences is paramount, LCNC development tools are essential. One of the biggest selling points of LCNC is the ease by which a citizen developer or technical newbie can create mobile software application tools. This fits perfectly with the ever-growing demand for businesses to develop applications that simplify and streamline end-user’s daily workflows as almost any employee can use LCNC platforms to rapidly implement and manage new applications. 

While it sounds magical; is low-code no-code the future of application development and are software developers jobs at risk? Gartner has predicted that “By 2024, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity.” While this is certainly an impressive prediction, it doesn’t put the jobs of IT professionals at risk, low-code no-code increases the speed of delivery and implementation of applications but this will free up more time for the specialists to perform their other tasks.

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