
Women in Tech

Find out what Women in Tech® is doing for ladies across the globe.

The international non-profit group Women in Tech® has made it its mission to eliminate the deficiency in female employment rates and help women embrace technology. Their goal is to empower 5 million women and girls to achieve tech-related positions by 2030. 

What they do

WiT runs a mentoring program, aptly named Mentor in Tech. Mentees get the chance to speak one-on-one with seasoned mentors for personal counseling and support as well as various soft skills workshops. The program was created to help women in the STEM fields at all levels, from entry-level workers looking to get started in the field to executives eager to progress their careers and focuses on 7 major areas of employment: Career and Leadership, Technology (Data Science, QA, Software development, etc.); Startups; Digital Marketing; Project & Product Management; Business Analytics; and UX/UI Design.

The Talent Hub is a fantastic tool that gets employers and employees on the same page by providing a place for tech-focused jobs to be posted and applied for through the website.

WiT also advocates change by providing much needed attention to issues in women’s education. Most recently, they have been focusing their efforts on raising the voices of female Afghan leaders such as Zarifa Ghafari in the hopes of protecting the last 2 decades of progress regarding women’s education in Afghanistan. This is further supplemented through their Digital Literacy and Career workshops.

Why it needs to be done 

On average, women earn less than men, and while this deficit has decreased, it hasn’t yet been fully eradicated. Additionally, women, for whatever reason, hold very few positions within the tech industry, with a similar percentage graduating from STEM subjects. By raising the profile of women in the tech industry, it is hoped that young aspirant females will have role models to strive to match. Providing support for these young and talented women is paramount if we are to achieve a more balanced industry workforce.

Other Notable Organisations

While we regrettably can’t write about all of the great organizations that are lighting the way for females in the tech industry, we have compiled a list, complete with links, to browse at your leisure.

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